· case study · 1 min read
Powerful mobile forms software in the vineyard
A vineyard labouring company has taken the leap from pen and paper to tablets. And although cost and staff buy-in were major challenges to overcome, efficiency gains and data accuracy have made the upgrade worthwhile.

“The possibilities are limitless…”
A vineyard labouring company has taken the leap from pen and paper to tablets. And although cost and staff buy-in were major challenges to overcome, efficiency gains and data accuracy have made the upgrade worthwhile.
Provine is an agri-business based in Marlborough, New Zealand, one of the world’s premier wine growing region. Provine supply all labour to vineyards for maintenance, new developments and harvesting.
Provine wanted to be a lot more accurate and bring the business forward. In particular they wanted IT to do a lot of the work for them.
The goals were to:
- Reduce staff hours involved in processing manual timesheets
- Reduce time spent doing spreadsheets
- Improve the accuracy of information for payroll
- Gain/maintain competitive edge in the market
Benefits of powerful mobile forms software
- One employee less in the office
- Freed up one complete day for Ken, the owner of the business
- Allowed Ken to work on his business not in his business
Going mobile with powerful mobile forms software
“It’s exciting - opens up a whole new world. So many other things I want to do. The possibilities are limitless. ” Ken Prouting - Owner