· case study · 3 min read
Leighton services mobile data collection exceeds expectation
Leighton Services and Main Roads have been performing road asset maintenance and construction for 40 years in the Pilbara and also across WA. The Leightons team brought with them extensive experience in Network Management and immediately recognized the benefits that "going mobile" would bring.

Our logistic team can make faster decisions
Pilbara ISA is a Contract arrangement between Leighton Services and Main Roads WA. Both enterprises in Australia have a strong presence in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia.
Main Roads has been performing road asset maintenance and construction for 40 years in the Pilbara and also across WA. Leighton services has numerous maintenance contracts across Australia and is a leading light in a rapidly expanding Leighton Holdings.
The size of the Pilbara Region and therefore the Main Roads network has meant the necessary daily paperwork is a major issue to get to the main office for processing.
Main Roads changed the contract term and structure in 2010 and have moved to a sole relationship based contract. WA was divided into 7 regions and then EOI’s were called for to assist in the management of those regions. Leighton Services are the provider for two of the regions, Pilbara and Wheatbelt. The team in the Pilbara network brought with them extensive experience in Network Management and immediately recognized the benefits that “going mobile” would bring.
Since the implementation of mobile form data there has been a lot of interest from other networks and huge interaction with the parent company, the interest being generated is gaining momentum and other projects within Leighton Services are actively requesting demonstrations and pursuing management for access.
Goals of the Leighton Services Mobile Data Collection Project
The goals were to:
- Get the daily paperwork to the main office for processing.
- Improved legibility of paperwork.
- Improve accuracy of Prestarts, shift reports etc.
- The ability to interrogate the information instead of just filing.
- Make the process easy and simple for the staff in the field.
The decision to use Transsend was based on several factors:
- Receiving great support for another product from Entwined Solutions so single supplier/provider.
- Easily adaptable to suit our requirements.
- Champion trained to create forms for our project which allowed for some autonomy.
- Reports clear and simple.
- Across the major platforms.
Benefits of Leighton Services mobile data collection
Pilbara ISA has experienced significant benefits:
- Administration staff hours reduced from chasing creators of illegible paperwork.
- Printing costs reduced and we are working to further reduce them with some development.
- All the original goals achieved, and further potential identified.
- Has aligned with the client’s future direction.
- Improvements in the levels of completed paperwork is great and getting better, the worst offenders are now the office staff for completed paperwork not the field staff.
- Has force adherence to procedures and identified gaps in the existing process.
Client reaction to Leighton Services mobile data collection
Pauline (Wheatbelt) - “OMG, Why can’t we have this, this will save me hours” Brett (new supervisor) - “This is easy… here is my phone!” Neil (ISP Admin Pilbara) - “Peter!, I want to take this to a whole new level, we need to roll this out further.” Lars (General Manager West - Leighton Services) - “Good discussion about Transsend, Peter and myself will develop further for future direction”
Transsend was formerly called AMS.